There are 2 types of insurance a houseowner can purchase to insure his premises.
a) Houseowner Insurance is a policy designed to cover the Insured against any loss or damage to the residential buildings caused by Fire and/or Named Perils.
b) Householder’s Insurance on the other hand is designed to cover the Insured against the loss or damage to the contents in residential buildings caused by fire and/or Named Perils.
A standard houseowner/householder policy covers:-
a) Fire, lightning, thunderbolt, subterranean fire.
b) Explosion.
c) Aircraft and other serial devices and/or articles dropped therefrom.
d) Impact with any of the buildings by any road vehicle, houses or cattle not belonging to or under that control of the Insured or any member of his family.
e) Bursting or overflowing of domestic water tank, apparatus or pipes.
f) Theft but only if accompanied by actual forcible and violent breaking into or out of a building or any attempt thereof.
g) Hurricane, cyclone, typhoon, windstorm.
h) Earthquake and volcanic eruption.
i) Flood but excluding loss or damage caused by subsidence and landslip.
Premiums for houseowner polices are usually higher than fire policies due to the more comprehensive cover.